F5 for Azure

For the last 20 years, F5 in the data center has provided intelligence and sophistication in the network to complement commonly deployed advanced server applications. With the modern F5 TMOS traffic management engine, data centers have achieved exceptional levels of scalability, performance, and security by taking advantage of the network, an often overlooked resource. As enterprises look to expand to the public cloud, they must make certain that the same level of network intelligence and control they achieve with F5 in the local data center can be extended into the cloud.

Microsoft Cloud

Microsoft Azure: Pros & Cons

Microsoft Azure is an extensive set of cloud services that IT professionals and developers use to build, deploy, and manage applications through a global network of data centers. When it comes to your company’s infrastructure needs, you want the flexibility and choice to buy, build, or rent. All companies have a cloud strategy; some even have a cloud-first strategy. However, this sometimes creates challenges related to controlling costs. Is Azure the right S3 provider for your business?

Cloud Computing Disadvantages You Must Know

Cloud computing is the delivery of computing services — such as servers, storage, networking, software, databases, and more — via the Internet. Cloud providers are companies that offer these services and charge for them based on usage. In addition to the basics like sending emails, editing documents, and storing pictures, cloud computing also enables you to create new apps and services; store, back up, and recover data; host websites and blogs; deliver software on demand; and analyze data. There is no doubt your business can reap huge benefits from cloud computing, however there are some drawbacks. Here are 5 cloud computing disadvantages you must know.


The Cloud is Here – Is Your Company on Board?

Who would have thought that a mail order retail company would revolutionize how organizations make IT decisions? Who would have thought that an online search tool would define how schools and universities communicate with their staff and students? Who would have thought that a mobile app would turn taxi cab providers upside down? The Cloud can be defined in many different ways by various IT professionals, and one thing is for sure: It’s here to stay, and it’s growing like never before.